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 what ive always wanted to know

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Join date : 2008-06-07

what ive always wanted to know Empty
PostSubject: what ive always wanted to know   what ive always wanted to know Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2008 10:26 pm

what exactly is your recruitment stuff?

cause i remember when i started knifin. i heard that the requirement was be in the top 100
and then that you had to go and beat some WC in a 1v1

so just wonderin what is the honest recruitment thing? (and im not applying...just incase you thought i was)
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Join date : 2008-06-07

what ive always wanted to know Empty
PostSubject: Recruitment   what ive always wanted to know Icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2008 10:46 am

Well the process is kind of simple, you dont have to be on the top 100, but helps, a member of the clan suggest a new member also the recruitment is discussed with the senior clan members, Pens, Snake, myself everyone, and then if accepted goes to a trial to see what kind ok person is, we dont want any kind of people in the clan, we want mature players who are fun to talk in our TS, but this can change anytime, I hope this helps to clarify your question>>
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